Animal Audio
Animal Audio brings you an immersive animal sound experience like no other, allowing you to explore a vast collection of high-quality, authentic sounds right at your fingertips.

Key Features:
Animal Sound Market
We have an extensive library of sounds from some of the industry’s leader sounds creators. These animal sounds are available for free download or for purchase. Browse through the market and preview sounds before downloading or purchasing the full version.
My Library
Store all of your sounds in specific animal species folders for quick access. Play sounds from your library directly to your phone’s speakers, a headset, or a Bluetooth-enabled speaker or game caller.
Fastest Sound Downloads to Game Callers or SD Cards
From your library, you can quickly and easily select sounds to download straight to your game caller, or to your game caller’s included SD card. This works best with ICOtec brand game callers, but can work with any speaker or caller that takes .WAV files on an SD card or some other storage device.
Create playlists that you orchestrate from all of your purchased and/or downloaded sounds. Choose delays, volume levels, repeating functions and more. Animal Audio Playlists allow you to press play one time and not have to continually fumble around with your device.

ICOtec Rascal
ICOtec introduces the all-new Rascal electronic game and wildlife call. Built with the Animal Audio app in mind, this new caller features crystal audio technology, boasting incredible life-like audio reproduction of animal sounds. The volume level has also been ramped up to project sound even farther than a typical wildlife or game caller of this size and price range. Combine all of the above with excellent Bluetooth range.